Docusnap License Calculator .

Note: This license calculator is only valid for the product Docusnap, but not for Docusnap365!

Please use our License Calculator to determine the size of your network.

The basis for the calculation of the license is the sum of all network sizes captured with the Software. The network size is the sum of all systems (work stations and servers) in a network. This includes Windows systems (server and desktop operating systems), Linux and Mac OS/X systems, Unix, and Thin-Clients. Both virtual and physical systems are counted. Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) and SNMP systems such as routers, printers, switches, and other active network participants are excluded from the calculation.

Our license calculator performs a query and determines the total number of active computer accounts of the Active Directory to which the system is currently logged on. In addition, enter the remaining licensed systems.
Your license size results from the number of active computer accounts and the manually entered values.

Caution: If the network size you specified is too small, Docusnap will not perform any inventories.

License Calculator