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The title bar now contains these configurations and options and is divided into the following areas:

Support Information

By selecting the support information Docusnap-Title-Bar-Support, you will be directed to the Docusnap support center.

  • Support Information: In this area the log file can be generated, and the support file can be saved. This is only possible if the debug mode (client and/or server) have been activated before - see Debug Options.
  • Debug Options: In the Debug Options the debug mode for the Docusnap Client and the Docusnap Server can be activated / deactivated. It is advantageous to be able to activate the debug mode for the Docusnap server without going through its configuration steps as in previous versions.
  • Quick Support: Here you can start the TeamViewer Quick Support.


The options Docusnap-Title-Bar-Options are divided into the following areas.

  • General: In this dialog you can make settings for the program. The database selection and settings for update and Docusnap license are located in this dialog. In the options dialog you can also set the language of the program. Docusnap offers the choice between German and English. In the combo box the desired language is selected. To change the language, the program must be restarted.
  • Inventory: Settings for executing the inventory wizards can be made in this tab.
  • Documentation: In the configuration of the documentation it is defined in which path the documents are saved and which settings are used as default for creating the documents.
  • IT Security: In this area you can specify the folder level limit up to which the folders should be retrieved. This can be helpful, for example, if the permissions are only inherited after a certain level. In addition, the standard settings for the export of reports for IT security are defined.
  • License Management: If software products of a certain operating system should be excluded from the license management, this can be defined via the selections Include Linux Software Products, Include Mac Software Products and Include Unknown Software Products.


The point Discovery Services Docusnap-Title-Bar-Discovery contains the following areas.

  • Docusnap Discovery Service: The Docusnap Discovery Service button opens the dialog for configuration of the Discovery Services.
  • Docusnap Server: The Docusnap Server button starts the Docusnap Server Configuration Wizard.
  • Server Status: In the dialog Server Status the current database of the Docusnap Server and the status of the server is specified. The server can also be started or stopped.
  • Connected Users: The Connected Users dialog shows all users that are connected to the current database.
  • Local Time Zone: If multiple Discovery Services are used to inventory systems that are located in different time zones, scheduling and display can become confusing. By activating the time zone display, the output of the scan date in the data explorer can also be adjusted. You can select which time zone is used for the display by clicking on Local Time Zone.


The Help section Docusnap-Title-Bar-Help provides access to the following items:

  • User manual: On the one hand, the user manual can be opened as PDF in this area and on the other hand an online manual is available.
  • Configuration Manual: Firstly, the configuration manual can be opened as a PDF file in this area and secondly, an online manual is available.
  • Docusnap Forum: This button opens the Docusnap Forum.
  • Version changes: Clicking on the Version Changes button displays a dialog showing the changes and improvements of the last versions.
  • Update: Clicking on the Update button starts the program update. For more details see chapter Update.
  • License information: Clicking the License Information button opens a dialog with basic license information.
  • About Docusnap: Clicking the About Docusnap button provides information about the program. For example, the current version number is displayed.