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Welcome to Docusnap X

Thank you very much for purchasing Docusnap X.

In practice, the terms IT documentation and IT analysis are generally restricted to the inventory process and maybe the visualization of existing hardware and software.

Docusnap X greatly broadens the terms IT documentation and IT analysis by adding significant features:

Building on the process of inventorying the entire IT environment (not just the hardware and software) and the visualization of overview maps using Microsoft Visio, Docusnap X supports the reporting of the results using several standardized formats (Microsoft Word & Excel, PDF and HTML files, among others).

Docusnap X generates meaningful and real-world reports and analyzes of the most diverse corporate departments.

In no time, Docusnap X analyzes effective permissions, compares the expected and actual states of installed licenses and provides additional organizational features, such as password and contract management.

Docusnap X combines optimum usability with maximum flexibility. Wizards guide the user through the intuitive user interface which is similar to Microsoft Office 2013.

Multiple users can work with Docusnap X concurrently. Customization to individual requirements is also possible.