IT Assets!

Added Value to Your IT Documentation

Documentation of all devices that cannot be scanned by Docusnap !

Unlimited Extensibility of Your IT Assets

In order to be able to populate new IT asset types (categories, subcategories) or system classes, you need to define them in advance. This can be done very efficiently in Docusnap. The data entry forms that you will require later when actually entering inventory data are then created automatically by Docusnap. You do not have to bother with Customizing and – at the same time – reach your goal faster.

Complementing the Inventory Database

IT assets can either be created manually or imported directly from a csv file. This means that it is possible to import IT assets from custom tables or from other databases. Docusnap even allows you to import or export the IT assets schema so that it can be exchanged with other Docusnap installations.

Using IT Assets in IT Concepts

To use IT assets in your concepts, add them to the desired documents by drag & drop – just like any other objects. This means that you can use these systems in the usual way in your IT concepts, creating a flawless IT documentation that really covers everything. All this is possible within the same software programme – no need to switch between applications.

Download now and start your IT Documentation!