Das Wichtigste in Kürze:
- Effizienzsteigerung durch zentrale Inventarisierung: Der Docusnap Discovery Service ermöglicht die automatische Inventarisierung und Dokumentation von IT-Netzwerken an entfernten Standorten, wodurch manuelle Vor-Ort-Kontrollen und die damit verbundenen Kosten reduziert werden.
- Erweiterbarkeit für externe Standorte: Auch Standorte ohne ständige Verbindung zum Hauptnetzwerk lassen sich effizient erfassen, was besonders für dezentrale Unternehmen mit minimalem IT-Personal an diesen Standorten von Vorteil ist.
- Senkung der Wartungskosten: Regelmäßige Updates und zentralisierte Inventarisierung minimieren die Notwendigkeit für Vor-Ort-Wartung und senken somit Zeit- und Kostenaufwand erheblich.

Docusnap is an incredibly good application when it comes to bringing order to IT structures and inventorying and documenting the entire IT landscape. Thanks to automatic updates, every IT department has a powerful tool from which a wide range of information and reports can be drawn.
As the company grows, so does IT
However, there are also situations in which Docusnap cannot provide data with the default settings. Namely, when hardware and services are located outside of the company's own network. For example, a company may operate multiple sites whose IT does not necessarily need to be constantly connected. Nevertheless, it is important for the central IT department to keep appropriate information and inventory lists from these locations as well. Particularly in the case of external sites, a complete IT department is not always on site, but is staffed by rudimentary emergency teams. As a result, recurring on-site appointments are still on the agenda for quite a few IT managers, causing an even higher and more cost-intensive effort for each company.
Documenting and inventorying your customers
Another common scenario involves IT service providers who use Docusnap to provide inventory and documentation services to their customers. Docusnap captures all the information directly at the customer site, but in order to get the information in case of problems, you would either need to be on-site at the customer site or at least log in remotely to each individual customer to view the data.
Docusnap offers the solution
Docusnap offers the optimal solution for those who work with distributed sites or want to enable their customers to achieve the dream of complete documentation and inventory with the least possible effort. In the Ultimate version, Docusnap is not only multi-tenant, but can also centrally transfer data from any of your sites or customers to your own Docusnap server using the Docusnap Discovery Service.
If the customers give their consent, all data collected by Docusnap is stored centrally in your own Docusnap server and can be available at any time and sorted by customer/location with the current data. It facilitates the preparation work for new projects, problem solving or has all information and reports ready to help the customer via help desk. And with Docusnap's superior connect capabilities, you can also make this information available in your own helpdesk system.
IT departments that need to support multiple networks and IT assets outside the main company also benefit from centralized data storage in their own Docusnap server. Through automatic updates, the central IT department has all the information that Docusnap can collect on the network. Of course, this includes not only the hardware information, but also, for example, all data from the Active Directory or the Windows versions installed there on the desktops. Of course, all the emergency manuals that have been set up are also kept up to date in this way, supplied with the latest network maps, and help to take the right measures immediately in the event of an emergency, even at remote locations.
Realization with simple tools
The Discovery Service does not require a server or local Docusnap on site. This means that for inventorying many customers or sites, you now only need the ultimate license and do not require additional licenses. For smaller sites, it is sufficient to install the Discovery Service on a desktop operating system. If a server is available, the Discovery Service can of course also use it. This has the advantage that a server is usually not switched off and permanently refreshes and transmits the data. The exact system requirements can be found on our web site.
In our short video we show you how to use the Docusnap Discovery Service:
Additional information
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